Jun 25 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Thom Tillis and his colleagues recently sent a letter to President Biden to express concerns regarding his Executive Order that would offer amnesty to illegal immigrants who are unlawfully present in the United States. 

“We write today to express our grave concerns regarding your proposal to offer amnesty to illegal aliens who are unlawfully present in the United States. This action directly contravenes the laws Congress has passed, and it will throw fuel on the fire of the ongoing border crisis,” the senators wrote.

“Parole was never intended as a mass amnesty. Your actions fly in the face of the clear reading of the law. Due to reckless policies, your Administration has encountered more illegal aliens at the southern border than the Obama administration and Trump administration combined. DHS recently promulgated regulations that appear to tighten the border, but the implementing policy guidance, the DHS website, and the border data since implementation show what all Americans know – the border remains wide open,” the senators continued.

“Border security is national security, and our adversaries will continue to take advantage of the chaos your Administration created by announcing this policy. We urge you to rescind this policy immediately and focus your efforts on securing our border against the cartels and adversaries who will welcome this chaos,” the senators concluded.

Full text of the letter is available HERE.


