Apr 3 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC),member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, recently co-sponsored the Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act. This bill will help ensure state and local law enforcement cooperationwith federal immigration authorities and would pull certaintaxpayer-funded grants to sanctuary cities. Often, sanctuary cities prohibit their law enforcement officers from cooperating with federal immigration authorities.

“Reckless sanctuary policies have allowed dangerous criminals back into communities in North Carolina, and that number will continue to increase as liberal politicians put politics ahead of the safety and security of their constituents,”said Senator Tillis. “This legislation is a step towards law and order and will help ensure state and local law enforcement cooperate with federal immigration authorities to stop violent criminals who are here illegally. I have long fought against sanctuary city policies and am proud to work on this legislation with my colleagues.”

In 2018, a bipartisan majority of senators voted in support of the Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act, but it did not receive the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster. Organizations that have supported this bill include the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, the National Association of Police Organizations, the AFL-CIO, and the Sergeants Benevolent Association of the New York City Police Department.

Read the full text of the bill here.

