Sep 28 2021

Today, North Carolina Senators Thom Tillis and Richard Burr applauded the White House for nominating Dena King to be the U.S. Attorney for Western District, Sandra Hairston to be the U.S. Attorney for Middle District and Michael Easley, Jr. to be the U.S. Attorney for Eastern District. All three nominees were recommended by Senators Tillis and Burr.
“I worked with Senator Burr to identify, interview, and recommend a list of nominees for the U.S. Attorney vacancies that included Dena King, Sandra Hairston, and Michael Easley, Jr. All three are impressive and qualified individuals who will serve North Carolina well, and I want to thank the White House for working with us and making these nominations,” said Senator Tillis. “As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I look forward to supporting them and getting them confirmed by the Senate.”
“I’m pleased to see the White House take our recommendations and nominate Dena King, Sandra Hairston, and Michael Easley, Jr. to fill the current U.S. Attorney vacancies in North Carolina,” said Senator Burr. “These three nominees have a range of experience and expertise qualifying them to serve well in their roles. I applaud their willingness to continue serving the people of North Carolina, and I look forward to supporting these nominees in the Senate.”
Dena King currently serves as the assistant U.S. attorney for the Western District of North Carolina. She previously served as special assistant U.S. attorney and assistant U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of North Carolina and is a graduate of N.C. State and N.C. Central University School of Law. Sandra Hairston has been the acting U.S. attorney for the Middle District since March 1. She previously served as first assistant U.S. attorney for the Middle District and is a graduate of UNC-Charlotte and N.C. Central School of Law. Michael Easley, Jr. is currently a litigation partner at McGuire Woods and is a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill and UNC School of Law.