Sep 5 2019

Today, Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) spoke to the Weather Channel about North Carolina’s preparation and response efforts to Hurricane Dorian.
Tillis on if North Carolina is prepared for Hurricane Dorian:
“We are, sadly we have a lot of experience preparing for hurricanes but North Carolina has some of the best people in emergency management in the country. I am about to head to Emergency Operations Center to get a briefing and I am doing everything I can to make sure North Carolinians are as prepared as possible and evacuating if they are being asked to.”
Tillis on resources available to residents affected by the storm:
“North Carolina has several hundred million dollars available to do a variety of things to prepare communities for these storms. When we get back to Washington next week, we will start working on what needs there are as a result of Hurricane Dorian and get assistance down to the state and individuals affected by the storm.”
Watch the full interview HERE.
