Sep 12 2019

This week, the Senate confirmed President Trump’s 150th judicial nomination, with two additional confirmations today bringing the total to 152 Trump judges. Senator Tillis, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has been on the frontlines in the successful effort to guide President Trump’s judicial nominees through the confirmation process, including beating back Democrats’ attempts to block Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, who were both ultimately confirmed to serve as Supreme Court associate justices.
“President Trump promised to remake the federal judiciary by nominating well-qualified conservative judges, and I’ve been proud to stand with the President to keep that promise,” said Senator Tillis. “While we have seen unprecedented obstruction and political attacks coming from Senate Democrats to derail the President’s judicial nominations, I’ve fought back with Chairmen Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley to confirm the President’s nominees at record paces, and I look forward to confirming many more.”
By the numbers
The Senate has confirmed 152 of President Trump’s judicial nominees since 2017.
Supreme Court: 2 (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh)
Circuit Courts: 43
District Courts: 105
International Court of Trade: 2
TOTAL: 152