May 17 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) recently co-sponsored bipartisan legislation that would award grants to local communities for evidence-based school safety technology and infrastructure.

Ensuring our schools are safe and have the appropriate tools to protect our students and teachers needs to be a national priority,” said Senator Tillis. “I’m proud to support this legislation that would award grants to schools that use proven methods to protect their students.”

The School Security Enhancement Act enables local school districts to use SSAE grant funding for school safety infrastructure and technology with evidence-based effectiveness, including to:

  • Control access to school premises or facilities, through the use of technology or infrastructure with evidence-based effectiveness;
  • Protect and conceal students within the school during crisis situations;
  • Provide trained school safety officers to protect school personnel and students;
  • Install technologies to provide prompt notification to relevant law enforcement and first responders during such a situation;
  • Provide school safety reinforcement, including bullet-resistant doors and windows;
  • Install any technology or system that would reduce the time needed to disseminate official information to parents regarding the safety of their children during and immediately following a crisis.

The full text of the bill may be viewed here.
