Oct 22 2019

Sen. Lindsey Graham: “I want to thank Senator Tillis for bringing this to the Judiciary Committee’s attention, I look forward to trying to send a signal to sanctuary communities when it comes to violent criminals that they need to change their game.”

 Sen. Ted Cruz: “Let me thank Senator Tillis for introducing his legislation. I am a co-sponsor of the legislation that says if you are an American and your family is injured by an illegal alien that has been wrongfully released by a sanctuary jurisdiction then you should be able to sue that jurisdiction. We should take up and pass Senator Tillis’ legislation.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) chaired a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on sanctuary cities and their impact on public safety and victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants released in sanctuary jurisdictions. U.S. Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina Andrew Murray testified at the hearing.


Watch Senator Tillis’ Opening Statement HERE.


Watch U.S. Attorney for the Western District of NC Andrew Murray’s Opening Statement HERE.


Watch Senator Tillis’ Opening Questions HERE.

 “Many sanctuary jurisdictions, including a handful of counties in my state of North Carolina, have adopted sanctuary policies where they no longer communicate lawful detainer requests and release notifications to ICE,” said Senator Tillis. “Many of these jurisdictions have released violent and dangerous criminal illegal immigrants back into our communities after being arrested by local law enforcement for serious crimes. These reckless sanctuary policies are putting our brave law enforcement officers at risk and the general public in harm’s way.”

 “That is why I introduced legislation which holds sanctuary jurisdictions accountable,” Senator Tillis continued. “I believe these victims are entitled to a private right of civil action against any political unit whose actions caused them harm. That’s what my bill does, and for local jurisdictions who claim immunity denying victims’ rights, my legislation would require a jurisdiction to waive immunity as a condition of receiving certain federal grants.”

 “I want to thank Senator Tillis for bringing this to the Judiciary Committee’s attention, I look forward to trying to send a signal to sanctuary communities when it comes to violent criminals that they need to change their game,” said Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) in the hearing.

 “Let me thank Senator Tillis for introducing his legislation. I am a co-sponsor of the legislation that says if you are an American and your family is injured by an illegal alien that has been wrongfully released by a sanctuary jurisdiction then you should be able to sue that jurisdiction. We should take up and pass Senator Tillis’ legislation,” said Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) in the hearing.

 During the hearing, the committee discussed the Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act, legislation introduced by Senator Tillis that holds sanctuary jurisdictions accountable for failing to comply with lawful detainer and release notification requests made by federal authorities and jeopardizing public safety.

 Last month, WBTV reported data detailing that nearly 500 illegal immigrants were released from North Carolina jails over the last 10 months after being charged with crimes like sex offenses, kidnapping, arson and homicide. The illegal immigrants were released from jail after local sheriffs refused to comply with detainer requests made by ICE.
