May 7 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) issued the following statement after Pastor Andrew Brunson’s second trial hearing in Turkey resulted in a postponement, with the next hearing to be held on July 18. During the hearing today, two new unknown, secret witnesses testified against Brunson while the 3-judge panel rejected Brunson’s request for several witnesses to testify on his behalf at the next hearing. Brunson continues to reject every charge levied against him.

“America will not stop fighting for Pastor Brunson’s release, and we will continue to send him our prayers. Today’s decision prolongs the Turkish government’s unjust 577-day detention of Pastor Brunson, and it’s disturbing that his request to have witnesses speak on his behalf at the next hearing was denied, showing once again this is a kangaroo court.  

“This entire ordeal has been a nightmare for Pastor Brunson’s family and is incomprehensible considering the longstanding strategic partnership between the United States and Turkey. That partnership is now severely strained in-part because of the Turkish government’s persecution of law-abiding American citizens.”

Senator Tillis has visited Pastor Brunson in Turkey twice, including attending his first trial hearing on April 16. Senator Tillis recently spoke on the Senate floor about Brunson’s wrongful imprisonment, detailing the bogus nature of the accusations made against him. Senators Tillis and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) recently led a bipartisan letter signed by 66 Senators to President Erdogan calling for Brunson’s release and introduced legislation with Senator James Lankford (R-OK) to prevent the transfer of F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft to Turkey.
