May 8 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) spoke with Julie Banderas on Fox News about Pastor Andrew Brunson, who has been wrongfully imprisoned by the Turkish government since October 7, 2016. Yesterday, Pastor Brunson’s second trial hearing in Turkey resulted in a postponement, with the next hearing to be held on July 18.

Click HERE to watch the interview.
Senator Tillis on “secret witnesses” testifying against Pastor Brunson:
“I saw a lot of testimony from secret witnesses when I was in Turkey for Pastor Brunson’s first trial about a month ago. The allegations against him are absurd, and even more absurd is Pastor Brunson requesting 10 witnesses to testify in his defense and being denied. That is the nature of this kangaroo court we are witnessing in Turkey.”
Senator Tillis on U.S-Turkish Relations:
“Turkey is a NATO ally, we have an Air Force base there and we have a very close relationship with them when it comes to manufacturing the Joint-Strike Fighter Program, but we have to rethink our relationship with Turkey if this is how they are going to treat American citizens. It is unheard of for NATO allies to treat people this way. Our goal is to continue to increase the pressure on Turkey and free Pastor Brunson, who has been in prison for over 578 days with the vast majority of those without charges. We also need to be mindful of other American citizens who have been sentenced or are awaiting trial. This has to stop or we have to rethink our relationship with Turkey.”
Senator Tillis on the path forward:
“We tried to show respect to the Turkish Government and met with the Ambassador and Foreign Minister, but now we have to show we are prepared to act in terms of sanctions and changing the nature of our relationship. We have to look at all of our ties with Turkey and question whether that is the best partner on national defense and economic ties.”

