Jan 31 2017

Yesterday, Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC), a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, met with VA Secretary nominee Dr. David Shulkin.

Earlier this month, Tillis expressed his support for Dr. Shulkin following his nomination to be Secretary of Veteran Affairs.
“Dr. Shulkin has demonstrated his commitment to reforming the VA, and he is a fine choice to lead the department. As VA Secretary, Dr. Shulkin will help accelerate the progress the department has recently made, particularly when it comes to moving forward with the MyVA initiative to streamline the VA bureaucracy. Over the last two years, I’ve had the honor of working directly with Dr. Shulkin and Secretary McDonald on this initiative.
“If Congress and the incoming administration gives Dr. Shulkin the tools and authorities he needs, I am confident we can transform the VA for the better and deliver the kind of timely and quality health care our veterans need and deserve.”